3rd IR (Mizo) Battalion and Mizoram Police Wives’ Welfare Association participated at the celebration function

Heartiest congratulations and compliments to @assampolice on being conferred with the prestigious President’s Colour on 10th May. A moment of pride & fitting tribute to selfless dedication and devotion to duties by Assam Police.
To celebrate the momentous occasion, in a cultural function at Rabindra Bhawan, Guwahati, yesterday, Cultural Troupe (consisting of personnel of ‘Highland Rhinos’ 3rd IR (Mizo) Battalion, Mangaldai, Assam and the members of Mizoram Police Wives’ Welfare Association, also participated in it along with the Police cultural troupes of other States of North Eastern Region and performed the famous ‘Cheraw’ bamboo dance, to the great liking of the audience present.
We look forward to this bonhomie amongst various police forces forever.