A big congratulations and huge round of applause to our colleagues – 1). Pu C.Lalnunmawia, MPS, DIGP (Armed) for being awarded with the well deserved President’s Police Medal For Distinguished Service, 2). Pu Vanlalfaka Ralte, MPS, Sr. Superintendent of Police, CID SB and 3). Pu Deepak Pathak, Inspector of Police, OC Bawngkawn PS, for being awarded with the well deserved Police Medal For Meritorious Service, on the occasion of Independence Day 2023.
We take pride on the glorious achievements of our mates and hope that others also get inspired for public service, by putting their best foot forward. Congratulations to their family members, relatives and friends too.
Police hnathawk tha te chawimawina sang, Independence Day 2023 denchhena puan, President’s Police Medal For Distinguished Service dawngtu Pu C.Lalnunmawia, MPS, DIGP (Armed), Police Medal For Meritorious Service dawngtu Pu Vanlalfaka Ralte, MPS, Sr. Superintendent of Police, CID SB leh Pu Deepak Pathak, Inspector of Police, OC Bawngkawn PS te kan lawmpui tak zet a ni.
Hetiang hna thawk tha leh mi entawntlak kan nei hi Mizoram Police chuan kan chhuangin an chawimawina dawn kan ngaihlu tak zet a, an chhungkua, laina hnaite leh ṭhiante zawng zawng pawh kan lawmpui a che u.