We give top priority to #CrimeAgainstWomen. On 28.2.2023, #KhawzawlPolice and Mizoram State Commission for Women (MSCW) jointly organised National Commission for Women (NCW), New Delhi sponsored ‘Capacity building and training programme on Anti Human Trafficking at Khawzawl District’ at Khawzawl PS, Khawzawl. The training was attended by 35 personnel from #KhawzawlPolice and representatives from other Stakeholders – from YMA, MHIP, MUP, One Stop Center. Pu Vanlaltluanga Parte MPS, SDPO Khawzawl imparted lecture on Prevention of Trafficking and Rehabilitation of victims of Trafficking.
National Commission for Women (NCW), New Delhi ten an ‘Sponsor’ ‘Capacity building and training programme on Anti Human Trafficking at Khawzawl District’ chu ni 28.2.2023 khan #KhawzawlPolice leh Mizoram State Commission for Women (MSCW) tangkawpte chuan Khawzawl PS, Khawzawl-ah an buatsaih. He training-ah hian YMA, MHIP, MUP, One Stop Center leh #KhawzawlPolice atangin mi 35 telin, Vanlaltluanga Parte MPS, SDPO Khawzawl chuan ‘Prevention of Trafficking and Rehabilitation of victims of Trafficking’ tih thupui hmangin zirtirna a pe a ni.