In a bid to ignite and motivate youth of the State, Career Guidance & Counselling programme was organised by Mamit Officers Club under the banner of ‘MOC Rahbi’ at Govt. Mamit Higher Secondary School,on 12.5.2022. SP Mamit and CO, 4IR Bn. delivered a speech on careers in Police and law enforcement & defence services, with Addl.SP, Mamit as convener of the programme.
The programme was attended by 78 students of Class-XII of Arts, Commerce and Science streams.
Ni 12.5.2022 khan Mamit Officers Club chuan ‘MOC Rahbi’ hmingin zirlaite tan Career Guidance & Counselling programme, Govt. Mamit Higher Secondary Schoolah an buatsaih. He programme-ah hian Addl.SP, Mamit chu convener niin, SP Mamit leh CO, 4IR Bn. ten police, law enforcement leh defence services-a career prospects awmte hrilhhriatna hun an hmang bawk.
He programme-ah hian Class-XII, Arts, Commerce leh Science streams atangin zirlai 78 an tel.