#MizoramPolice took a significant step towards promoting the health and well-being of its personnel with the inauguration of the Mizoram Police Fitness Lounge. Respected DGP Mizoram Pu Anil Shukla, IPS inaugurated the fitness lounge at the Police Headquarters on November 9, 2023.
The Mizoram Police Fitness Lounge is a Gym facility providing police personnel with a dedicated space to prioritize their physical fitness and overall wellness. Equipped with modern exercise equipment and amenities, the fitness lounge aims to enhance the fitness levels and resilience of the police force, thereby ensuring their optimal performance in serving and protecting the community.
The Mizoram Police Department is committed to the well-being of its officers and believes that a fit and healthy force is better equipped to protect and serve the community effectively. By investing in the Mizoram Police Fitness Lounge, the department aims to promote a culture of wellness and ensure that its officers are ready to face any challenges that come their way.