Disposal of seized drugs in observance of the International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking

As part of observance of the International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking on 26.06.2024 (Wednesday), Mizoram Police carried out a large-scale disposal of seized drugs using the incinerator at Aizawl Zoological Park, Lungverh, Aizawl. The following drugs seized by CID Crime, Aizawl DEF, Saitual DEF, Hnahthial DEF and Lunglei DEF were destroyed:

Name of Drugs Quantity Value (in )
Heroin 12.968 Kgs ₹ 3,89,04,000
Methamphetamine 77.588 Kgs ₹ 10,08,64,400
Ganja 108.437 Kgs ₹  5,42,185
Cough Syrup 100 bottles ₹ 15,000

Total Quantity    :        198.993 Kgs, 100 bottles

   Total Value       :        14,03,25,585

(Fourteen Crore three lakhs twenty five thousand five hundred eighty five)

Mizoram Police also carried out disposal of seized drugs today at other District Headquarters. The total drugs destroyed by Mizoram Police on 26.06.2024 are mentioned below:

Name of drugs Quantity Value (in )
Heroin 41.446 Kgs 12,43,38,000
Ganja 124.965 Kgs 6,24,760
Methamphetamine 150.242 Kgs 19,53,14,600
Crystal Meth 36.251 Kgs 1,08,75,30,000
Cough Syrup 100 bottles 15,000
Alprazolam 6 tabs 400
Opium 2.918 Kgs 1,75,082
TOTAL 355.822 Kgs 100 bottles 6 tabs 1,40,79,97,842

Total Quantity    :        355.882 Kgs,  100 bottles 6 tabs         

Total Value        :        1,40,79,97,842

(Hundred forty crore seventy nine lakhs ninety seven hundred eight hundred forty two)

 Pu Lalbiakthanga Khiangte, IPS, IGP(L&O) graced the occasion as Chief Guest and he urged Mizoram Police to continue and strengthen their efforts against the drugs menace and reiterated that the fight against drugs remains a top priority for Mizoram Police.

          As part of the observance of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, during this week, awareness campaigns on drug related topics have been conducted in various educational institutions across all districts of Mizoram. In addition to this, signature campaigns have also been conducted in schools and several places.

Mizoram Police has made all out efforts in the fight against drugs and significant seizures have been made during this year (upto 24th June) as shown below:

Year Name of Drug seized Quantity Local market Value (in Rs) No. of cases registered No. of persons arrested

2024 (upto 24th June)

Heroin 48.882 kgs ₹ 14,66,46,000 174 235
Ganja 122.094 kgs ₹ 6,10,470 9 12
Methamphetamine 89.445 kgs ₹ 11,62,78,500 9 15
Crystal Meth 13.49 kgs ₹ 40,47,00,000 2 2
Alprozolam 10 tabs ₹ 100 1 1
  TOTAL   66,82,35,070 195 265

Mizoram Police appeals to the people of Mizoram, the civil society and our sister agencies to continue supporting us in our fight against drugs.