#PoliceWelfare remains our top priority. Mizoram Police Wives Welfare Association (MPWWA), 2nd IR Bn. Unit House located at 2nd IR Bn. Hqrs Complex was inaugurated by Pu Ruatsanga Ralte, Commandant 2nd IR Bn.on 24.3.2023. The House was constructed on ‘self help basis’ by dedicated members of MPWWA, 2nd IR Bn. Unit with the assistance of Officers and men of 2nd IR Bn. at the cost of ₹.6,54,839. The house is to be utilised as a Tailoring Centre, where tailoring and garment making skills will be imparted to police wives/daughters and to any willing person in the community having financial hardship. The house will also serve as a venue for various functions to be organised by MPWWA for the welfare of police personnel and families.
Excellent initiative. #MizoramPolice4U #MizoramPoliceCares
Staff-te leh an chhungte hamthatna hi kan ngaih pawimawh a ni reng thin. Mizoram Police Wives Welfare Association (MPWWA), 2nd IR Bn. ‘Unit House’, 2nd IR Bn. Hqrs Complex chhung ami chu Pu Ruatsanga Ralte, Commandant 2nd IR Bn. chuan dt.24.3.2023 khan a hawng. He ‘House’ hi 2nd IR Bn. MPWWA Unit member-te leh Officer/staff ten tangrual ‘self help basis’-a cheng ₹.6,54,839 senga an sak a ni. Tailoring Centre atana hman tur niin, police nupui/fanu leh a mamawh apiang ten puanthui an zirna tur niin, MPWWA ten function pawimawh hrang hrang an huaihawt nan hman thin a ni bawk ang.