Another significant way forward in our quest for improving our skills and knowledge in successful investigation & prosecution of ND&PS Cases. Nn 31.1.2023, one day online training session on ‘NDPS Act’ was jointly organised by NCB Zonal office, Guwahati and #MizoramPolice. 27 officers from Mizoram Police, Excise & Narcotics Dept, Customs, SIB, SB & Assam Rifles attended it through Video Conferencing and 16 officers attended physically at DGP Conference Hall, PHQ. We can only fight this menace together and we will, to make our beautiful State #DrugFreeState. We are thankful to the NCB for the support.
Ruihhlo kaihhawih (NDPS) case chhuina leh khinna kawnga hmasawnna turin nikhat awh online training session ‘NDPS Act’ chu ni 31.1.2023 khan NCB Zonal office, Guwahati leh #MizoramPolice tangkawpte chuan an buatsaih. Mizoram Police, Excise & Narcotics Dept, Customs, SIB, SB & Assam Rifles atangin officer 27 ten ‘online mode – Video Conferencing’ hmangin an chhim a, officer 16 ten DGP Conference Hall, PHQ-ah an tel bawk. Ruihhlo dona beihpui kan thlaknaah leh ruihhlo laka fihlim ram kan nih theihna turin a kaihhnawih pawlte thawhhona a pawimawh reng a ni. NCB chungah lawmthu kan sawi bawk e.