Seizure of #Arecanuts continues. In the night of 15.4.2023, #SaitualPolice Patrolling team recovered and seized 90 bags (approx. 6300 Kgs)of areca nuts from one vehicle driven by Lalchharliana of Zokhawthar, Champhai District at Saichal junction, Saitual. The seized illegal areca nuts alongwith the vehicle are being handed over to the Superintendent, Custom Preventive Force, Seling for further legal action.
Ni 15.4.2023 zan khan #SaitualPolice Patrolling team te chuan kuhva rah, bag 90 (Kg 6300 vel), lirthei pakhat, Lalchharliana, Zokhawthar, Champhai District nia inchhal khalh atangin Saichal junction, Saitualah an man. Kuhva rah man te hi dan anga hmalak zui turin Superintendent, Customs Preventive Force, Seling-ah hlan mek an ni.