State Level Anti Narcotics Task Force (ANTF) meeting was held on 24.5.2023 at DGP’s Conference Hall, PHQ. Pu Ngurchungnunga Sailo, Excise & Narcotics Commissioner, the convener of ANTF, delivered welcome address and Pu Veenu Bansal, IGP (Intelligence), Chairman of this task force delivered opening remarks. He told that ANTF acts as Narcotics Coordination Centre (NCORD) secretariat for Mizoram. ANTF is an important mechanism, where different Drug Law Enforcement Agencies and concerned departments work in tandem, to fight against drugs. The members should come up with new ideas in drugs related issues on this platform and all possible steps should be taken to root out the menace of drugs.
Action taken on the previous meeting was reviewed and signature campaign and awareness campaign against drugs abuse and illicit trafficking, under Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (NMBA), which have been conducted by members in different districts was appreciated. The meeting appealed to the public to make use of 24×7 Narcotics call centres made by Excise & Narcotics department, which have been uploaded in their website, and the NCB reward policy, where the seizing officer/ team and the informer can get handsome reward from NCB was also mentioned. It was informed in the meeting that in four (4) cases, NCB reward has been received and more NDPS cases will be submitted for the reward. The meeting requested Education department to include drug awareness topics in School syllabus.
Today’s meeting was physically attended by IGP (Intel.), DIG (CID), DIG (NR), SP, CID (Crime), Commissioner, Excise & Narcotics, other Police, Excise & Narcotics officers, representatives of BSF, FSL abd Drugs Controller, and in online mode by all districts SsP.
Ni 24.5.2023 khan DGP Conference Hall, PHQ-ah State level Anti Narcotics Task Force (ANTF) meeting neih a ni a. Convener Pu Ngurchungnunga Sailo, Excise & Narcotics Commissioner-in member kalte inlawmna thu a sawi a, chairman Pu Veenu Bansal, IGP (Intelligence) chuan thu sawiin, ANTF hi Narcotics Coordination Centre (NCORD) secretariat a nih thu te, ruihhlo dona atana agency hrang hrangte telna pawl a nih angin tha thlah lova ruihhlo an do zel thu te a sawi a. Meeting hmasaa thurel bawhzui a nih dan an thlirho a ni.
Ruihhlo do nan Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (NMBA) hnuaiah ‘drugs awareness campaign’ an kalpui chu chhunzawm zel ni se, Excise & Narcotics Department-in ruihhlo chungchanga mitin biak pawh theih tura Narcotics Call Centre an siam an website-a an tarlan chu mitinin hmang tangkai se an duh thu te, ruihhlo man tur kawhhmuhtu ‘informer’ leh a mantu officer tana Sorkar laipui hnuai, Narcotics Control Bureau atanga reward hmuh theih a nih thu leh, ND&PS Act hnuaia case 4 laiah reward hmuh tawh a nih thu leh reward hi la dil zel tur a nih thu te, ruihhlo dona lam hi school zirlaibuah telh ni ngei se an duh thu te sawi lan a ni.
Meeting-ah hian IGP (intel.), DIG (CID), DIG (NR), SP, DIG, E&N Commissioner, Police leh Excise & Narcotics officer, BSF, FSL leh Drugs Controller aiawhte an tel a, district hrang hrang SP te’n online-in an chhim bawk a ni.