Let us join hands to keep our society away from vices. Be our #EyesAndEars, always.
C/192 R.Lalnunthara of Vaivakawn PS seized 408 bottles of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) valued ₹. 5,04,000/- on 4th May, from the vehicle and possession of Lalnunthara (24) of Hunthar Veng, Aizawl at his rented godown at Rangvamual Kawn.
On the same day, C/107 Lalrinchhana of Vaivakawn PS also seized 480 litres of Local Made Liquor (LML) valued ₹.54,000/- from Vanlalhriata (22) of Vaivakawn Zohnuai and 76 litres of LML valued ₹.4,600/- from Lalrinthanga (20) of Vaivakawn Zohnuai.
Vaivakawn PS ami C/192 R.Lalnunthara patrolling duty chuan ni 4.5.2022 khan sapzu (Indian Made Foreign Liquor), bottles 408, ₹. 5,04,000/- man hu chu Lalnunthara (24), Hunthar Veng, Aizawl motor atangin Rangvamual Kawn-a a kudam luahlai bulah a man. Hemi ni vek hian Vaivakawn PS ami C/107 Lalrinchhana patrolling duty chuan rakzu (Local Made Liquor), litres 480, ₹.54,000/- man hu, Vanlalhriata (22) ta leh litres 76, ₹.₹.4,600/- man hu, Lalrinthanga (20), Vaivakawn Zohnuai ve ve te ta chu an man bawk.