Name : C/360 Khualtawna, 1-MAP
Date & Place of Occurence : 24.3.1999 at Vaitin Village
Brief of Action causing such death : On 24.3.1999,information was received by the Sakawrdai B.O.P. that a group of extremists, who were believed to be MAIDA, Manipur based militants entered Vaitin village. Hence, patrolling party consisting of 6 (six) personnel was immediately sent to Vaitin under the command of ASI (UB) ZoramsangaRalte. On entering the Vaitin village by patrolling party, an ambush was laid by the extremists who turn out to be PLA militants instead of MAIDA. C/360 Khualtawna although retaliated and fired back several shot, subsequently out-numbered, he was shot dead by the PLA militants.