SP Traffic


  • Traffic unit headed by officer of the rank of Superintendent of Police was created on Dt.23.7.2007. Consequent upon the posting of S.P., Traffic; Aizawl Traffic unit started functioning as a separate unit from 2008.
  • Way back in 1957, two (2) Head Constables started learning traffic signal and even performed traffic duty at Bazar Bungkawn Point. However, due to the limited movement of the
    vehicle the system was short lived.
  • In 1970, newly trained young Constables were utilized to perform traffic duty at three junctions in Aizawl. Accordingly, in 1971, Traffic Town staff was formed by selecting good and smart Constables from the existing Police Station Staff to look after traffic. One SI was designated as Town Sub-Inspector to look after Town Staff under the command and control of Officer-in-Charge, Aizawl PS.
  • Thereafter, a separate post for Officerin-Charge of Traffic was created and Sub-Inspector S. Gogoi became the first O.C. in 1974. He functioned both as O.C., Traffic and Town Sub-Inspector (TSI) simultaneously. Likewise, in 1979, a separate Traffic Branch was established and became independent from Aizawl Police Station.
  • It is pertinent to mention that in 1983, Dy. SP was posted to Traffic branch on temporary basis. In 1987, Dy. SP, Traffic post was created and in 2000, Addl. SP Traffic post was created.


  • The present Aizawl Traffic unit is headed by the Sr. Superintendent of Police, Traffic who is assisted by Additional Superintendent of Police, one Deputy Superintendent of Police, Officer-In-Charge and other subordinate staffs.
  • The operational jurisdiction of Aizawl Traffic Police covers the areas of Aizawl Municipal Corporation which extends up to Tuirial Dumping Ground in the East, Zampuimanga Memorial stone and Hlimen in the South, PTC Lungverh Junction in the West and Selesih Village in the North.
  • Traffic deployments in Aizawl City are divided into Zone/Sector/Beat/Point duties. Zonal officer is performed by SI or ASI. Sector in-charge is performed by Head Constable. Beat/Point duty is performed by Constables.  Traffic duty is performed daily between 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
  • Aizawl Traffic Police do not have a separate building on its own and is presently occupying several rooms in the 2nd floor of Superintendent of Police, Aizawl District office building located at Treasury square near Information & Public Relations Department. Traffic Station is located at Aizawl PS Building.
  • Aizawl Traffic Police is strongly committed  in ensuring road safety,traffic management and control. It undertakes various awareness programmes among school children and driver communities.  Traffic rules, driving manners and etiquettes are frequently published through print and electronic media which is mostly welcomed by the public. Traffic violators are strongly dealt impartially and proper counseling were given normally. By virtue of Traffic police efforts, Aizawl has one of the most disciplined driving and becomes a silent city which hardly witnessed vehicle honking horns. Aizawl City is also popularly known as No Honking City in the Country.


  • Traffic Warden : Aizawl City Traffic Warden Scheme, 2017 was approved by the Home Department, Government of Mizoram on 20th December, 2017. Selection Board was constituted on 19th July, 2018 by the Home Department wherein it appointed Superintendent of Police Traffic as Chairman and Addl. Superintendent of Police, Dy. Superintendent of Police, Officer-In-Charge and Reserve Officer as Board Members. 28 persons were enlisted as Traffic Warden in 2018 and 17 persons in 2019 and a new batch comprising of 17 persons completed Training at Traffic Station in 2021.
  • E-challan System : E-Challan System was developed and programmed by National Informatic Centre (NIC) and launched on 13.12.2019 by Pu Lalchamliana, Hon’ble Home Minister, Govt. Of Mizoram which has been successfully utilized by Traffic Police in the most effective and people-friendly way possible.
  • Introduction of Online application : In order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 pandemic and for the convenience of the citizens, mPASS Traffic application was launched on 26.6.2020 in collaboration with Mizoram State e-Governance Society (MSeGS) for issuance of vehicle plying permit within Aizawl Municipal Corporation Area. The application is a citizen centric and user friendly application and it is widely benefited by the public.
  • Despite unprecedented increase in vehicle population, Aizawl Traffic Police have efficiently, properly and tactfully managed vehicular traffic in Aizawl so far.

III. Welfare Measures :

Traffic Unit Staff Welfare is established under the chairmanship of SP, Traffic and it is administered by the governing body comprising the following :

  • Chairman             –           SSP/SP
  • Vice Chairman   –           Addl.SP
  • Secretary            –           Head Assistant
  • Treasurer            –           Unit Cashier
  • Members –           Dy.SP, OC, MTO, Accountant, RO, and representatives from each ranks.

Monthly Contribution is collected from all ranks of staff members at the following rates :

  • Constable to SSP      –           Rs. 100/-
  • IV Grade                     –           Rs. 50/-

Ex-Gracia amounting to Rs. 50,000/- is given to the deceased family of permanent staff, Rs. 10,000/- to permanent staff on the expiry of spouse, Rs.3000/- to permanent staff on the expiry of biological parent and Rs. 3000/- to permanent staff on the death of their children as entered in Service Book. Flower wreath is given on the death of non-member staff attached to Traffic Unit from other Unit.

Medical Relief Grant is also given to staff members ranging from Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 3000/- depending on the seriousness of injury and illness.

Farewell and wedding gift is given to staff members as below :

  • Superannuation Pension         –           Rs. 7000/- (Gift + Citation)
  • Voluntary Pension                   –           Rs. 3000/- (Gift + Citation)
  • Medical Invalid Pension         –           Rs. 3000/- (Gift + Citation)
  • Wedding (First marriage)       –           Rs. 3000/-

Natural Calamities Relief Grant is also given to staff members maximum Rs. 10,000/- depending upon the gravity of damage caused.