Following seizures of illegally smuggled explosive substances in the state over a period of time and addressing the dire need of awareness among explosives dealers and users, SP Lunglei on 26.5.2022 convened a meeting on sensitization on explosives and explosive substances, attended by representatives of District Magistrate Lunglei, Geology & Mining Department and road construction companies along with explosive license holders and office bearers of Lunglei Stone Crusher Association. The meeting extensively deliberated upon safe storage of explosive substances and measures for preventing pilferage of explosive substances.
Tunhnaiah puaktheithil (explosive substances) dan lova kawl leh tawlh ruk man a awm tak zeuh zeuh avang leh hetiang explosive licence neitu leh hmangtute zinga inzirtirna leh inhrilhhriatna te neih a ṭul hlea hriat a ni a. Hemi kawnga hma lain SP Lunglei chuan ni 26.5.2022 khan meeting ko in, he meeting-ah hian District Magistrate Lunglei office leh Geology & Mining Department atanga aiawhte, road construction companies, explosive license neitute leh Lunglei Stone Crusher Association hruaitute an tel a ni. Meeting-ah hian puaktheithilte (explosive substances) him taka dahthat dan bakah, dan lova kawl leh tawlh ruk danna kawnga thawhhona tur leh thildang pawimawh tak tak te an rel a ni.