Of late, there has been a considerable increase in attempting to infiltrate Government websites and Accounts by inimical elements, both from within and out side the country. The Government has taken several measures to enhance cyber security and prevent such attacks. The Awareness among the Government employees will be key to success against such hackers/ cyber criminals, as Cyber/Online Crimes are a huge challenge ahead. Therefore, focusing on the need for mass awareness and knowledge about cyber crimes and cyber security, Cyber Crime Awareness programme for Government Officials was started on 26.9.2022 by #CyberCrimePS Sleuths for staff of Assembly Secretariat. As many as 120 staff attended the session. #CyberCrimePS will continue to conduct such sessions for govt officials of various departments on weekly basis.
Tunhnaiah, ramchhung leh pawn lama cyber thilsual titu ten sorkar websites leh accounts te an beihna a pung chho zel a. Sorkar lam pawn cyber security tihchangtlunna leh hetiang beihna dan nan kawng hrang hrangin hma a la ve bawk. Cyber/Online inbeihna leh inbumna pumpelh tur chuan mi nawlpui leh abikin sorkar hnathawkte hnena inhrilhhriatna leh inzirtirna hi a pawimawh ber a ni. Hei hi ngai pawimawhin, sorkar hnathawkte tana ‘Cyber Crime Awareness programme’ chu ni 26.9.2022 khan #CyberCrimePS mithiamte chuan Assembly Secretariat hnathawkte tan an buatsaih. Staff 120 chuang an tel. He awareness drive hi sokar department hrang hrang hnathawkte tan buaisaih zel tum a ni.