► Vacancy announcement : Chief of Operations, P-4, UNMISS
► Inviting nomination for the post of Sr.Scientist Officer in the SVP National Police Academy
► Inviting nomination to fill up Legal Ballistic & Cyber Forensic Cadre post in NIA
► Inviting nomination for the post of Assistant Director (Computer) in the SVP National Police Academy
► Vacancy announcement for the seconded post of UNISFA Capacity Building and development Coordinator
► Filling up of one post of Assistant Director (Cyber) in the Narcotic Control Bureau
► Inviting nomination for the post of Assistant Director (Scientific Aids) in the SVP
► Filling up of the post of Assistant Director in the Narcotics Control Bureau, MHA on Deputation
► Request to contribute articles for Annual Counter -IED Journal : The Bombshell Vol XXXV-2025
► Inviting nomination for the post of Addl.SP in NIA on deputation
► Request for contribution of article on the theme Forensics for Indian Police Journal
► Filling up of Scientific posts in NIA on deputation basis
► Filling up of the post of Assistant Commandant in BSF
► Nomination for Award of DGP’s Commendation Disc with Certificate
► Filling up of various Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts in Bureau of Civil Aviation Security on deputation
►Recommendation for Award of Governor’s Medal on the occasion of Republic Day,2025
►Filling up of exists vacancies in NIA in the rank of SIs,Inspectors, DSPs & ASPs on deputation
► Filling up of various Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts in Bureau of Civil Aviation Security on deputation
► Filling up of the post of Joint Director of Enforcement on deputation
► Filling up of the post of Additional Director of Enforcement on deputation
► Filling up of 1 post of Special Director of Enforcement on deputation for a period of 1 year
► Filling up of 3 posts of Special Director of Enforcement on deputation for a period of 5 years
► Inviting nomination for the post of Assistant Director (I&T), NEPA by deputation
► Filling up various vacant posts of SFIO on deputation
► Filling up of 3 posts of Special Director of Enforcement on deputation basis
► Inviting nomination for the post of Dy.SP in NIA on deputation
► List of Awardees for Governor’s Gold & Silver Medal on the occasion of Independence Day,2024
► Office order regarding Commandant of 1st Bn. MAP
► Filling up of 3 post of Senior Private Secretary in NIA on deputation
► Inviting nomination for the post of Veterinary Officer in the SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad
► Compensation to Victims of Hit and Run Motor Accidents Scheme-2022
► Recommendation for the award of ‘Kendriya Grishmantri Dakshata Padak -2024’
►Mobile Phone number allotted for Police Officers for official use.
► Annual visit of Police Party to Hot Springs in UT of Ladakh
► Inviting nomination for Legal Post in NIA
► Filling up for the post of DySP in Central Bureau of Investigation
► Recommendation for Award of Governor’s Medal on the occasion of Independence Day,2024.
► Filling up of 01 post of Registrar at NAD, Pune under Ministry of Defence
► Filling up of 01 post of Director for 14C Scheme under Cyber & Information Security Division
► Filling up of various Group A & B posts in Bureau of Civil Aviation Security
►UNHQ Phase 01 of 2024 Police Secondment Campaign
►Nomination form of FICCI Award for Best Practices in SMART Policing 2023
►Invitation for the post of Principal Information Officer in NIA
►Invitation for filling up of various Group posts in Bureau of Civil Aviation Security
►Office Order regarding Annual Immovable Property Returns.
► Principal Information in NIA on deputation basis
► Nomination for the post of Principal Information officer in NIA on deputation.
► Nomination for the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police in NIA on deputation/absorption.
► Nomination for the post of Dy.SP/AC in level-10 in the SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad.
► Recommendation for Jeevan Raksha Padak series awards-2023
► Nomination to fill up Scientific posts in NIA on deputation basis
► Nomination for the post of Network Administrator and Senior System Analyst in NIA
► Nomination for the award of Asadharan Aasuchana Kushalata Padak -2023
► Nomination of various posts on deputation in the NHRC, BPR&D and NCRB, New Delhi.
► Consolidated instructions on trainings/Study Leave within/outside the State.
► Compliance of ‘ the Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes’ Act,2019.
► Inviting nomination of various posts in the SVP NPA,Hyderabad and CBI Hqrs. New Delhi.
► Annual visit of Police Party to Hot Springs in Ladakh during August – September, 2023.
► Promotion order of Naik to Havildars (Seniority Quota)
► Promotion order of Naik to Havildars (LDE Quota)
► Office order of appointment of Nodal Officer for addressing covid-19 related issues
► Order for detailment of Team Leader, State Level Police Contact Tracing Team
► State and District level Police Contact Tracing Team
► Corrigendum for Tender Notice vide No.D.22012/DGP/PUR/2019/171 Dated 4th August 2020
► Notification regarding Mizoram Police Flag
► Allotment order of Permanent Enrolment Number for Const. Zirsangzuali, Serchhip DEF
► Allotment order of Permanent Enrolment Number
► New Enrolment Number of Mizoram Police Employees
► Promotion order of Inspr.(UB) Robert Vanlalremruata Fanai
► Appointment for the post of Junior Cyber Forensic Consultant
► Advertisement for the post of Junior Cyber Forensic Consultant
► Promotion Order of C/908 Laltlankima
► Promotion Order of C/12 Vanlalmawia
► Standing Order for Promotion of Naik to Havildar
► Promotion Order of 6 Havildar to SI(AB)
► Promotion Order of SI(UB) Lalawmpuii to Inspector(UB)
► Promotion Order of 2 ASI(UB) to SI(UB)
► Promotion Order of 2 Head Constables to ASI (UB)
► Promotion Order of 2 ASI(UB) to SI(UB)
► Promotion Order of 6 SI(M) to Inspector(M)
► Promotion Order of 2 SI (UB) to Inspector (UB)
► Regularisation of 2 Head Constables
► Promotion Order of 2 Constables (UB) to Head Constable
► Promotion Order of 12 Constables (UB) to Head Constable
► Promotion Order of H/C H.Lalrema to the rank of ASI (UB)
► Training of Trainers Course in CCTNS
► Notification regarding Indian Police Journal on “Occupational Stress and Mental Health”
► Promotion Order of ASI(UB) Kapnghinga
► Promotion Order of 2 ASI (UB) to SI (UB)
► Promotion Order of 1 SI(UB) to Inspector (UB)
► Transfer Order of Inspector (M)
► Transfer Order of Inspector (AB)
► Transfer Order of Inspector (UB)
► Promotion Order of 6 ASI(UB) to SI(UB)
► Promotion Order of 2 ASI(UB) to SI(UB)
► Promotion Order of SI(UB) Lalbuatsaiha
► Promotion Order of (four) Head Constable to ASI (UB)
► Promotion Order of (sixteen) Constable (UB) to Head Constable
► Regularisation of (three) ASI (UB)
► Promotion Order of Havildar(AB) to Sub-Inspector(AB)
► Promotion Order of SI(UB) Lalbiakmawii Renthlei
► Promotion Order of SI(Cip) P.Lalchuanpuia
► Promotion Order of SI(M) C.Lalsiamliana and SI(M) Vanlalzuala Ralte
► Promotion Order of ASI(M) R.Vanlaldika and ASI(M) Hrangchuailova
► Promotion Order of C/415 K.Lallawmzuala
► Circular regarding visit of National Police Memorial
► Promotion Order of HC F.Lalsawia and HC Joyanto Chakma
► Promotion Order of HC PC Vanlalruata and HC Tlangthanzuali
► Promotion Order of Inspectors of MPRO
► Order of Transfer kept in abeyance
► Special Narcotic PS recovered 1,00,000 tablets of methamphetamine
► Circular regarding prohibition of Fire Cracker etc.
► Ashok Chakra Series of Galantry Award
► Display of DGPs Commendation Disk on Uniform
► Regulation for Award of Governor Medal
► Promotion order of Nk (AB) in order of Seniority cum Merit
► Prommotion order of Head Constables in order of Seniority cum Merit
► Promotion order of SI(Mech) Biakchungnunga
► Promotion order of Inspector C.Lalthanmawia of 3rd Bn. MAP
► Promotion order of Inspector Beihai Hlychho of Champhai DEF
► List of Public Holiday for Calendar Year 2019
► Promotion order of Inspector Marina Lalnuntluangi of MPRO
► Promotion order of Inspector Deepak Pathak of Mamit DEF
► Promotion Order of Head Constables
► Transfer order of Inspectors, Sub-Inspect